A Perfect Place to Reside, Work & Travel to

Washington, PA is located directly in the travel path of 10.2 million annual visitors annually. One of the best perks about shopping at Tanger.... great outlet values and no tax on clothing, shoes, or specialty foods in Pennsylvania.

A Perfect Place to Reside, Work & Travel to


0-10 miles 0-30 miles 0-45 miles 0-60 miles
Population 144,279 1,707,872 2,607,443 3,147,169
5-Year Population Growth Rate 0.7% -0.8% -0.8% -0.9%
Households 58,858 748,232 1,127,456 1,352,650
Percent Family Households 66% 57% 59% 60%
Median Age 46.0 44.0 44.0 45.0
Average Household Income $122,231 $97,676 $96,570 $93,958

Pittsburgh is the largest city in Pennsylvania

2nd largest city

2nd largest city

in Pennsylvania

Ranked #7 top destination for foodies

Ranked #7 top destination for foodies

by BBC Good Food, the only U.S. city to make the list

8 million passengers

8 million passengers

travel through Pittsburgh International Airport annually

Home to three 2020 James Beard Award Semifinalists

Home to three 2020 James Beard Award Semifinalists

in the Best Chef, Mid-Atlantic and Outstanding Pastry Chef categories

Yelp calls Pittsburgh

Yelp calls Pittsburgh

a top U.S. destination for good food

30 colleges & universities

30 colleges & universities

within the Greater Pittsburgh area

1 out of 2 visitors travel to Pittsburgh for sporting events

Top Area Employers

16.0 miles from Tanger
16400 Employees

8.0 miles from Tanger
15500 Employees

Tanger Outlets Pittsburgh Top Area Employers

13% of the country's tech companies call Pittsburgh home