A favorite vacation destination spot among regional travelers

Cookstown, Ontario is a bedroom community to the City of Toronto and shares the same economic benefits by being in proximity to Toronto's economic engine and its 16 million annual tourists.

A favorite vacation destination spot among regional travelers


0-10 miles 0-30 miles 0-45 miles 0-60 miles
Population 132,130 1,795,343 7,023,468 8,187,545
5-Year Population Growth Rate 15.1% 13.6% 9.7% 10.1%
Households 43,565 579,826 2,511,447 2,917,199
Percent Family Households 81% 81% 71% 71%
Average Household Income $120,320 $138,032 $130,627 $132,311

Conveniently located 90 km from Toronto

5.7 million people

5.7 million people

call Toronto, the capital of Ontario, home

40% of the U.S. population

40% of the U.S. population

is a day's drive away from Toronto

27.5 million people

27.5 million people

visit Toronto annually

Tourism has a $10.3 billion impact

Tourism has a $10.3 billion impact

on Toronto's economy

More than 3,000 restaurants

More than 3,000 restaurants

in the Barrie area

50 festivals & events

50 festivals & events

are held annually in Barrie

Toronto is Canada's leading destination

Top Area Employers

Tanger Outlets Cookstown Top Area Employers

Over 50% of the population is foreign-born